A Postpartum Plan for Success

Healthy Mom, Healthy Baby

  • Your Support Plan

    Plan how you can be perfectly supported and nurtured, so you can support and nurture your baby. Your friends and family want to help. This gives you a structure to let them know what you & your baby need.


    This 19 page e-book covers all aspects of self-care & daily routine. It will help you plan ahead so when you are in the throes of new motherhood, you are ready and at your best.

  • Baby Blues?

    Postpartum brings many changes, including your mood. Awareness is key for you and your partner to enable you to get the help you need if the time comes.

Mother your new baby with strength, well being and calm

A Postpartum Plan takes care of YOUR needs, so you can

Many of us don’t plan for our postpartum like we do our births.

Just like a birth plan that helps quell the jitters and prepare you for an enjoyable healthy experience, expectant mothers that create a postpartum plan to take care of their own needs, with the support of their partners and families, are more prepared to mother their new baby with strength, well being and calm.

When I think about a healthy postpartum, I think of how geese offer support to each other.  Geese take turns offering leadership. When the lead goose gets tired, he rotates back in the wing, and another goose takes the lead. After my own experience with an unexpected postpartum journey and my work with new mothers in my therapy practice,  I created a plan called RESTORE a postpartum wellness plan that walks mothers through the various aspects of their own postpartum care and needs.

Women spend a lot of time preparing for the birth of their baby and planning the baby's nursery, but this type of preparation is specifically for YOU.  One of the most successful ways to RESTORE your emotional and physical wellness after the birth of the baby is to have supportive structures in place prior to the birth of the baby.  The best way to RESTORE your emotional wellness AFTER the baby comes is to plan your support structure BEFORE the baby comes.

Use this guide as a tool to prepare BEFORE baby comes so you don’t find yourself scrambling for help AFTER the baby comes.  Let it be something you can pick and choose from to customize to your own unique circumstances.

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Kristin Hodson LCSW, CST

Kristin Hodson is Founder and Executive Director of The Healing Group and co-author of the newly published book Real Intimacy: A Couples Guide for Genuine. Healthy Sexuality. She contributed to Sheknows.com, Women’s Day Magazine, The Deseret News, and has been a regular contributor on the Radio From Hell show on X-96 taking live calls on sex and intimacy. She has appeared on KSL’s Studio 5 and has been a monthly guest on KUTV 2 morning news. She practices as psychotherapist with a passion helping women find their authentic self by working through areas where they feel stuck. Kristin believes in empowering women to own and take charge of their growth and healing. She does this by working besides them in a collaborative and professional way offering reflective insight, experience and expertise. Clients often say they feel supported and safe to express and explore thoughts, emotions and vulnerabilities – bringing about new understanding. fulfilling changes and personal joy. She is a mother and wife and lives life passionately out loud.